The Most High - is the light, and there is no darkness in Him
The Most High - is the light, and there is no darkness in Him
History from the beginning of creation to the last days is a kind of mirror reflecting the path of humanity with its rich history and events. Some stories go into the past, leaving no trace in people's memory, others are written in books and immortalized in people's memory. But there are three Great events that are not only imprinted in history, but radically influenced the course of human history and millions of people's destinies. All the Holy Scriptures sent down to the prophets draw our attention to these events.

In the Quran, three great events are recorded in one verse:«Peace be upon me the day I was born, and the day I die, and the day I am resurrected to life» (Maryam 19:33).Let us pay special attention to this verse, which highlights three important events in the life of the Messenger of Isa Masih (a.s.). And let us properly try to understand the Greatness of these three events. So:
1. Birth
2. Death
3. Resurrection to life

The beginning of the verse proclaims the statement «Peace be upon me» - this does not just mean a greeting, but that all three events in the life of Isa Masih (a.s) were predetermined by the will of Allah before the beginning of human history and were prophetically predicted in the previous Holy Scriptures Taurat, Zabur and in the prophetic books that make up the collection of Holy Scripture. In the process of reflection, we will focus on three key events that will help us better understand who Isa Masih (a.s) is and consider these events in chronological order.

1. The birth of Isa Masih (a.s) was predicted by the prophets long before His birth.
«So the Lord Himself will give you a sign: behold, a virgin will conceive and bear a son, and He will call His name Immanuel (with us the Most High)». (Isaiah 7:14)
About 750 years ago, the prophet Isaiah saw the Greatest Sign from Allah about the miraculous birth of Isa Masih (a.s). Why was this kind of sign needed, so that a young girl named Maryam would become pregnant and give birth to a son without the participation of a man? In order to understand the meaning of this Sign and Miracle, we need to remember the original tragic history of man. In the world, from the day when Adam, the first man, disobeyed his Lord, chaos and turmoil filled the earth, people became enemies to each other. As it is written in the Quran: «And the devil caused them to stumble over him, and he brought them out from where they were. And then We said: "Get down and be enemies to one another. The earth will be for you a dwelling place and a use for a term". (Al-Baqarah 2:36)
Sin and death reigned in the life of every person, as it is written in the Injil: «Therefore, just as sin entered the world through one man, and death through sin, and death spread to all mankind, because in him (Adam) all sinned.» (Rom. 5:12)
The Quran confirms this with the following verses: «If Allah were to punish people for their injustice, He would not have left a single living creature on the earth.» (An-Nahl 16:61)

Therefore, Allah has predetermined in His will the birth and life of one person who will be free from sin and the share of Satan. As the angel Gabriel announced to the girl Maryam. «How can this be?" – Maryam asked. – "I have not yet been with a man." The angel replied: – “The Holy Spirit will descend upon you, and the power of the Most High will descend upon you like a shadow. Therefore, the child that is born to you will be called ‘Holy’ and also ‘Son of the Most High’.”(Injil Luke 1:34-35)
The Quran confirms this event in the following verses: He said: "Indeed, I have been sent by your Lord to bestow upon you a pure male child."She said: "How can I have a male child when no man has touched me, and I have not been an adulteress?" He said: "That’s it! Your Lord has said: ‘This is easy for Me. We will make him a sign for mankind and a mercy from Us. The matter has already been decided.” (Maryam 19:19-21)
The necessity of the Great Sign and Miracle of the birth of Isa Masih (a.s.) was intended by Allah so that He would be the One who would later defeat sin, death and Satan with His holy and sinless life!

2. The next important event is the death of Isa Masih (a.s.), which also happened by the will of Allah and was predicted by the prophet Isaiah: «But He has borne our infirmities and carried our sorrows. And we thought: Allah is striking Him for His own sins, He is smiting Him, and He is in pain. But He was wounded for our sins, He was crushed for our iniquities; He was punished that we might have peace, and by His stripes we are healed. All of us, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has gone his own way, but on Him the Eternal has laid all our sins.» (Isaiah 53:4-6)
Also, the prophet John testifies about Isa Masih (a.s.): «The next day John saw Isa coming toward him and said: – Here is the Lamb of Allah, Who will take away the sin of the world!» (Injil. John 1:29)
The Great Sign and Miracle was expressed in the fact that Isa Masih (a.s) in his sinless birth and Holy life lived was honored to become the Holy Qurbani and bear the sins of each of us on Himself. Since due to the sinfulness of mankind, not a single person born on earth could do this. As it is written in the Injil: «Indeed, all have sinned, and all have fallen short of the glory of Allah,» (Rom. 3:23)
The Quran confirms this fact in the following verses: «No soul earns sins except against itself. No soul will bear the burden of another…» (Al-An’am 6:164).
Therefore, in order to take upon Himself the sins of the world, Isa Masih (a.s) had to be born pure, without sin and live a Holy life to become the Great Sacrifice of ransom and cleanse everyone who believes in Him from sins with His Holy Blood! In this event is the Greatness and Wisdom of Allah! Alhamdulillah!

3. And the last victorious Great event is the Resurrection of Isa Masih (a.s) from the dead on the third day after his death. Since Isa had no sin of his own, death could not hold Him. He broke the bonds of death and, by the power of Allah, rose from the dead, defeating the power of Satan. This is written in the book of the prophet: «O death, where is your victory? O death, where is your sting?» (Hosea 13:14)
Also, Dawud (a.s.), being a prophet, foretold this event with the words: «For You will not leave my soul in the world of the dead, nor will You allow Your faithful one to see corruption.» (Zabur 15:10)
Thus, Isa Masih (a.s.) not only fulfilled the prophecy spoken about Him, but also became the first to rise from the dead. The Injil describes that Isa Masih (a.s.) appeared to his disciples for 40 days to confirm his resurrection: «On the evening of the first day of the week, when the disciples had gathered together and the doors of the house where they were staying were locked for fear of the leaders of the Jews, Isa came. He stood in the midst of them and said: - Peace be upon you (Assalamu Alaikum)! Having said this, He showed them His hands and side. Seeing the Master, the disciples rejoiced. Jesus said to them again: “Peace be with you! As the Father has sent Me, so I send you.» (John 20:19-21)

Isa Masih (a.s.) placed the Peace of Allah in the hearts of His followers. The resurrection of Isa Masih (a.s.) strengthened the faith of His followers so much that they proclaimed the message of Isa from Jerusalem, throughout Judea, and even to the ends of the earth. Here is how the Quran confirms this event: (As-Saff 61:14) «O you who believe! Be ye helpers of Allah. Isa (Jesus), the son of Mary, said to the disciples: "Who will be my helpers in the way of Allah?" The disciples replied: "We are helpers of Allah". A part of the Children of Israel believed, and another part disbelieved. "We supported those who believed against their enemies, and they emerged victorious.»
The Quran calls all those who believe in Jesus Christ (a.s.) victorious. But how is this Victory expressed? Our Lord has risen and today He is alive, His grave is empty! Alhamdulillah! And also in the Quran, Allah promises to elevate all who follow Jesus Christ (a.s.) until the Day of Judgment. «And remember when Allah said: "O Jesus, I will surely cause you to die and raise you to Myself. I will cleanse you from those who disbelieve, and I will exalt those who follow you until the Day of Resurrection above those who disbelieve.» (Al-Imran 3:55)

Isa Masih (as) said: (John 11:25-26) «I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, even though he dies, will live, and he who lives and believes in Me will never die.» Do you believe this?
May Allah be merciful to you!
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«The Most High - is the light, and there is no darkness in Him»