The Most High - is the light, and there is no darkness in Him
The Most High - is the light, and there is no darkness in Him
We humans utter many words in our lives that are directly related to our invisible thoughts. Words can convey both good and bad thoughts, their choice and use play an important role in communication and influencing others. A person can kill his neighbor with a word, and a word can revive a soul. As it is written in the Injil: «From the same mouth come praise and cursing. My brothers, this should not be. Can good water and bad water flow from the same spring? Can olives grow on a fig tree, or figs on a grapevine? Nor can fresh water flow from a salt spring.» (Yaqub 3:10-12).And we also read in the Quran: «O you who believe! Fear Allah and speak the truth.» (Quran Al-Ahzab 33:70)

Our piety and righteousness directly depend on the words we speak in different situations of life, as it is written in the Injil: «Whoever thinks himself pious but does not control his tongue has deceived himself, and his piety is of no avail.» (Yaqub 1:26)
It is important to remember the power of words and be careful how we express our thoughts. The wise Sulayman said: «The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love to speak will eat the fruit of their speech.» (Wise Sayings 18:21)

Unfortunately, our bad and evil words express our inner heart. Therefore, the Injil warns all people: «But I say to you that on the Day of Judgement, people will give an account for every empty word they have spoken. Your own words will either serve as an excuse or a condemnation for you!» (Matthew 12:36-37)

After all, your word is an expression of your essence, an expression of yourself. It is impossible to separate your word from yourself and vice versa, you from your word. In ancient times in the East, it was always believed that every word had its owner. And the word was worth as much as the owner himself was worth, or he was worth as much as his word was worth. People took the word as collateral and gave a flock of sheep, a herd of bulls, a herd of horses for it. Behind the word stood a man, his family, honor, conscience and a dagger. And now let us turn our attention to the One Who created the heavens and the earth with His Word. The first book of the Taurat describes how the Almighty created the visible world with His Word: «And Allah said: «Let there be light», – and there was light; «And Allah said: «Let there be a firmament between the waters to separate the water from the water ... and it was so»; And Allah said: «Let the waters under the sky be gathered together, and let dry land appear.” And it was so.».

It is written in the Quran: «He is the Creator of the heavens and the earth. When He decrees, He says, «Be!», and it is done.» (Al-Baqarah 2:117).From these passages of the Holy Scripture, we see that the Word of Allah has the Great Power of creation and creation. Prophet Dawud also exalts the Word of Allah: «Forever, O Lord, Your Word is firmly established in the heavens.» (Zabur 118:89)
«You have exalted Your Word above all Your Names.» (Zabur 137:2)

Allah has beautiful Names by which the faithful slave addresses Him in prayer. But Dawood, being a prophet, exalts the Word of Allah above all Names. After all, the Word of Allah is not a created entity and an expression of God Himself, the Creator of heaven and earth. In Arabic, "Kalimatullah" is the Word of Allah as His eternal Sifat, which did not appear and does not disappear. The famous Sunni author Abu Hanifa expressed the orthodox point of view as follows:

«The Qur’an is the Word of God, His inspired Word and Revelation. The Qur’an is an essential attribute of God. The Qur’an is not God, but it is inseparable from Him. It is written in the form of a book, it is recited, it is memorized, but all its consonants and vowels, its text, all this is created by the hands of men, but the Word of God is uncreated. The script, the letters, the words, the verses of the Qur’an are all for man, since their meanings are achieved by their use, but the Word of God is established by the very essence of God, and whoever says that the Word of God is created is an infidel.»

Indeed, even one word from Allah to people is good news! How grateful should we be when we receive anything from Allah. He is so merciful and kind that He cares for us and wants to reveal Himself to us through His Eternal Word. It is written in the Quran that He sent us a «Word» from Himself; His name was Isa Masih. «Then the angels said: «O Mary! Indeed, Allah gives you good news of a Word from Him, whose name is the Messiah Isa (Jesus), the son of Mary. He will be honored in this world and in the Hereafter, and will be one of the close ones.» (Al-Imran 3:45)

In the Quran, only the Messenger of Allah Isa Masih is called by this great name «Kalimatullah»: «The Messiah Isa son of Maryam», is the Messenger of Allah, His Word…» (An-Nisa 4:171). And the Injil also testifies to this, that Isa is the Word of Allah, sent down to earth: «In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with the Most High, and the Word was the Most High. It was in the beginning with the Most High. Everything that exists was created through Him, and without Him, nothing that exists came into existence. In Him is life, and this life is the Light of mankind. The Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not swallow it; «The Word became Man and lived among us.» (John 1:1-14)

And so we see that the Holy Scriptures indicate that the «Word of Allah» is Isa Masih - the expression of the Essence and Character of the Most High Himself. Isa Masih, with his sinless and pure life and miraculous deeds, visibly showed people the invisible Allah. For this reason, Isa Masih identified himself with Allah, calling Him Father, as it is written in the Injil: «...Whoever has seen Me has seen the Father. «...I and the Father are one.» (John 14:9; 10:30)
The life of Isa Masih was filled with miraculous events described not only in the Injil, but also in the Quran. He, being the Word of Allah and possessing power, performed incredible miracles over the elements of nature, healed the sick, opened the eyes of the blind, resurrected people from the dead, and He did this with His Word alone. But Isa Masih not only performed miracles and signs, but also taught his followers and ordinary people with his Word. Before leaving the earth and moving to heaven, He left a great legacy of His teachings and instructions, which today guide believers on the straight path. Isa Al-Masih says in the Quran: «So fear Allah and obey Me - this is the straight path!» (Surah 3:50)

Dear friend, if you want to follow the straight path that leads to heaven (Jannah), then we need to fulfill two main conditions:

1. So that our hearts are filled with fear and deep humility before Allah.

2. It is necessary to obey Isa Masih, because he is the Word of Allah. Following Isa Masih, we follow and obey the Word of Allah, believing in Isa Masih we believe in Allah!

As it is written in the Injil: Isa said:«When a person believes in Me, he believes not only in Me but also in the One who sent Me. When he looks at Me, he sees the One who sent Me. I am the light, and I have come into the world so that no one who believes in Me will remain in darkness.» (John 12:44-46). Every person, when his earthly journey ends, will have to appear before the Great and Righteous Judge Allah. This day is called «Qiyamah» the day of standing. The Quran says: «Fear the Day when you will be returned to Allah. Then every person will be repaid in full what he has earned, and they will not be wronged.» (Al-Baqarah 2:281)

Why should people fear this day? The answer is obvious, each of us has many big and small sins, committed not only by deeds, but also by words, which we often utter against each other. But Jesus Christ offers the way of Allah’s mercy, as it is written in the Injil: «I tell you the truth: whoever hears My word and believes Him who sent Me has everlasting life, and will not come into judgment; he has already passed from death to life.» (John 5:24). The Holy Scriptures convey words of warning to those who reject the Words of Isa Mesih: «I do not judge anyone who hears My words but does not do what I say. For I did not come to judge the world but to save it. And whoever rejects Me and does not accept My words has a judge; My word will judge him on the Last Day.» (John 12:47-48)
May Allah be merciful to you!
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«The Most High - is the light, and there is no darkness in Him»